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We’re moving into our third week of the circuit breaker (and its going to be further extended) and to be frank, since the second week, my days were very quickly starting to melt together…. Not in a particularly good way; at this point, I don’t have many ways of telling apart a Monday from Thursday or a Wednesday from a Friday.
From the very beginning, motivation has always been an elusive thing for many of us. However, it’s not an understatement to say that motivation levels are more threatened than ever before.
This may sound a little overdramatic in the grand scheme of a pandemic that the world is going through now, but because of this lack of structure, I feel a lack of purpose and overall motivation. According to Jessica Stern, a clinical psychologist at NYU Langone Health in New York City mentioned, “our regular routines outside of circuit breaker tend to be the ‘anchors’ that help us keep track of time and schedules. When we don’t have those ‘anchor’, those differentiating landmarks get lost.”
This is not meant to be pessimistic about the situation in anyways. In fact, our aim is quite the opposite. While the situation may be uncertain it is important to acknowledge the reality of us coping. Here’s what we suggest!
1.write a daily schedule the night before and stick to it

Image source: Envato Elements
There’s no denying, we’ve all been there. Get in bed at 10PM, tell yourself that you’ll finish this one episode and then go to sleep so that you’ll wake up early and have a truly productive day tomorrow. All of a sudden, its 2 AM so you end up allowing yourself to sleep in the next day and not get anything done. It’s ok, it’s not your fault, right? Blame Netflix’s never-ending library of shows.

Exercise help our body produce positive chemical that will help reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise releases endorphins that help inhibit transmission of pain signals, but they also produce a feeling or euphoria. This is what makes you feel happier instantly and chances are, these effects will last a good amount of time. Of course, not forgetting the positive effect that it will have on your body. Check out our stay home workout exercises here https://swiy.io/easyquarantineworkouts
3. Stay Curious

Image source: Envato Elements
One of the best thing you can do while being confined in your home is to remain an active learner. If you’re a student, participate actively in your online classes as much as possible; watch your lectures and complete your worksheets. Otherwise, just constantly be on the lookout for anything that seems interesting. Then, chase down that lead. It can range from anything like learning about an author’s life or picking up a new language or even be on your way to become the next MasterChef! Now is a great time to take ownership of your own education and motivation. If you would like to pick up a new skill during this stay-home season, we have got you covered here https://swiy.io/1EZk
4. Take Media Breaks…And that includes Social Media

Image source: Envato Elements
While we do think that it is important to stay up-to-date with everything that’s happening in the news, but it’s never healthy to stress about it all day along. Take a few minutes out of your day in the morning to scroll through the news feeds but don’t keep obsessing over it all day long. Just remember, that despite the pandemic that is going on right now, there are lots of good things going on as well.
Social media is great for catching up with friends and families (or memes, if you’re into that) but it’s also a huge time sucker and de-motivator. Before you know it, you’ll end up spending hours scrolling endlessly.
5. Lastly, Self-Care

Motivating yourself to get things done is wonderful, but do take note that it is extremely important to take some time just for yourself as well. And if being cooped up at home has you feeling unproductive, you might have a mindset that say you don’t “deserve” any break time for yourself. But that’s not true! You should always leave time for yourself at the end of the day so that you can stabilize your daily routine. It can be anything that you makes you feel happy and relaxed. For example, chill out with a sheet mask accompanied by some relaxing music and a book.
Keep in mind that being at home all day doesn’t mean you suddenly have productive superpowers. There’s no need to compare your productivity level with anyone online. Instead, focus on yourself and achieve small things one step at a time. Take time for yourself and give yourself lots of love while you’re stuck indoors. Don’t forget to love yourself, stay safe and stay at home!
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